Sophie and Seth playing ceremonial kirtan at a wedding in NYC, 2015
MUSIC & kirtan
A singer and harmonium player with a background in classical music and my own folk project, Springfield, I have led kirtans in Brooklyn and Los Angeles, and I am now sharing my practice back in my native England.
What is kirtan? Good question! You can think of kirtan as the singing version of your physical yoga practice. At kirtans, we get together to chant Sanskrit mantras. We sing simple melodies, call-and-response style, accompanied by harmonium and tabla drums. Kirtan is an expression of Bhakti yoga – the yoga of devotion – and it can be a lovely way to express the feelings that you might experience during meditation and on the yoga mat. It’s a shared offering, rather than a performance, and there’s certainly no need to feel like you’re singing ‘well’!
I offer occasional group kirtan sessions at Blackheath Complementary Health Centre, with Sulekh Ruparell – tabla player, singer and harmonium player with renowned London outfit The Kirtan Band. Find out more here.
Yoga students wishing to learn more about chanting are welcome to contact me to arrange a private session.
Sophie and Sulekh playing kirtan at Secret Garden Party 2016